patrick quillin

Does Your Doctor Really Know How To Heal Your Cancer? The Reality May Be Hard To Handle

There’s a chronic health problem in our country that we have to address head on.

That problem is…

The lack of holistic or “whole-body” understanding throughout the mainstream medical community about how our bodies, our nutrition and our minds work together naturally to heal disease… especially cancer.

In fact, nutrition is not even taught in most medical schools! You can become a certified medical doctor today without having an ounce of knowledge about nutrition.

It’s NOT their fault, the establishment plays their own set of rules. They need doctors who will keep prescribing pills, surgery, radiation, chemo and more to maintain the status quo.

To make matters worse, the landscape and understanding we have about our human bodies is going through a massive shift!

But things are moving remarkably fast in the world of natural health!

We’re breaking barriers and understanding on a molecular level so much more about how our bodies manage to keep us alive and thriving.

New ideas in epigenetics, nutritional ketosis and light and sound therapies for treating cancer and other modern diseases like diabetes and Alzheimer’s are happening every minute of every day across the country and the globe.

Natural health warriors lead the way with “in your face” ideas that go far outside the mainstream… but some of the most interesting “breakthroughs” are coming as we begin to really examine our human ancestors.

A new breed of researchers, scientists and doctors are digging deep into our past to better understand how natural medicine has healed humans for centuries and even millennia.

Humans survived and even thrived using only what nature had to provide, and we’re learning every day just how powerful and effective some of those ancient remedies can be.

“Useless” plants, herbs and weeds discarded over time are proving to have more potential than we ever thought possible.

And there’s a place where all these fantastic new ideas and amazing re-discoveries are coming together for an event like none other.

The Truth About Cancer LIVE is a 3-day event featuring 36 of the world’s leading experts in alternative health and medicine.

These brilliant minds will be sharing their latest – straight from the front lines information with you…

All streamed live into your living room for three action packed days, starting on October 5th!

If you or a loved one is suffering from cancer, this information could very well save their lives.

Find out ALL the details and sign up FREE to see this exclusive LIVESTREAM event!

21 Days to a Healthier Cancer Patient
Dr. Patrick Quillin, PhD,RD,CNS
We respect your privacy.